Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Twas The Night Before Christmas...

...and we were snowed in! Normally, we spend our Christmas Eve in Carbon at Wayne's Granny's house. Sadly, we had to miss out this year due to the snow that fell all day and the temps dipping below freezing making the roads too unsafe for such a long drive. Believe it or not, it was 75 degrees and sunny the day before!! Only in Texas!! Although, we missed spending the day with family it was a little nice to have a 'free' day to spend at home playing games by the fire and just being lazy!
Hope Santa can find our house in all this snow!
Getting ready for bed...
this is always easier when Santa's involved!
Had Emily not asked for the pink BMX bike it might be difficult to tell 2 little girls live here! ;)
We don't have a good Christmas tree spot in our family room and normally spend our Christmas morning on the cold floor in the entry way. This time Santa was kind enough to leave the gifts in a place where we would be able to enjoy our morning by the warm fire for once!
As I was playing with my camera next to the fireplace, Wayne asked "Are you going to wait there all night and try to get a picture of Santa?" I said "Oh, that's easy!" hehe
Okay... so Santa had a couple glasses of wine and was feeling a bit silly! ;) And to all a goodnight!

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