Thursday, December 17, 2009

Rangers T-Ball

Megan had no interest in playing soccer like her big sis so we got on You Tube and looked up videos of kid activities, hoping she would spot something she might like to try. When I pulled up t-ball she instantly knew that was the game for her... plus for about a year she told people she wants to be a baseball player when she grows up... so I guess we needed to get started on that! ;)
She was placed on the Rangers and was the only girl on the team.
Being the only girl didn't bother her at all... after all she knows how to get dirty like a boy!
At first, I wasn't too excited about t-ball but it turned out to be so much fun... watching 4 and 5 year-olds was hilarious and I'm so grateful we were able to experience that with her!

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