Thursday, December 17, 2009

Last Days of Summer!

Maybe not the girls, but I myself was dreading summer! Like every summer, I wasn't sure how I was going to keep the kids entertained for so long. However, it whizzed by and we found lots of tun things to do... mostly swimming! :) We tried to spend some of our days in Ft. Worth with family. We got to take Meme out to lunch and luckily cousins Madison and Matthew were able to join us on this day.
We spent much of our summer at a pool... any pool we could get our hands on! This is Megan with her friend Zach.
Emily, Zach, Megan and Emily's friend, Hope.

Peter Piper Pizza with Aunt Sissy was always a fun way to spend an afternoon! Sadly, Peter Piper Pizza is now closed. It will be missed... it was way better than Chuck E Cheese's.

Lots of the summer was spent in time-out as well! hehe Ooops... I forgot about poor little Megan on this particular day.
All 3 sets of grandparents each generously gave the girls a week of day camp which they loved... and so did I! ;) Emily got to have her face painted in one of her art camps. I love this picture of Emily... it's probably my favorite!
And of course, it's not summer without ice cream!!
Enjoying a day in Ft. Worth... checking out the view from the roof of grandpa's new truck.

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