Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010!!!

We enjoyed the 2 week break we had from school! The girls spent the last 4 days of the break in Fort Worth with grandparents... including New Year's Eve. Wayne and I still went to the family gathering at my cousins, Jennifer and her husband Jimmy's house. They had a bounce house still up from the party they had with friends the night before. Needless to say the kids had a blast on it... and a few of us adults did as well! ;)

Nathan, Madison, Madeline, Megan and Emily

Megan and Madison
Madeline and Emily
Aunt Sissy and Megan

Me... after a few beers! ;)
Beers + Inflatable Slide + Camera = Lisa Cam!
Lisa & Megan Cam
Lisa & Megan Cam - Backwards

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