Thursday, June 25, 2009

Girls Day At The Pool

We had planned to go to Celebration Spray Park in Allen... but when we got there they were closed...preparing for an event on Saturday. (Moose out front should have told you kinda deal!) :) So we headed back to the neighborhood pool for the day... which was probably better for me anyway... it was 101 degrees and this way I could could play in the water too! :)
This is the first time Emily has seen her BFF Hope since school. Hope was in Canada and missed the last fun week of school... so it was sweet to see how excited they were to see each other again!
These gals make a great pair!
Megan invited Jessica! Yes... A GIRL!! But only because her 3 boy friends already had plans for the day. It was funny to see her interact with Jessica outside of school... she wasn't as chummy with her as she is with the boys. haha
Say "Cheese"
"Hello, hello... is anyone there?"
Taking a splash in the kiddie pool during adult swim time.

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