Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sunshine Kids Pre-School Graduation

Megan graduated from Pre-School and is so looking forward to going to big girl school next year!
The kids had been practicing several songs to perform that night... they did a great job... it was really cute!
Where's Megan?
Look... Megan is even wearing a dress!!!
After the songs, each child was recognized and they shared what they would like to be when they grow up. Several children want to be firefighters, teachers, mommies, princesses, and even a couple ice cream men! Megan wants to be "A McDonald's Helper!"
Looking through her bag of goodies from Ms. Rani and Ms. Tonya
The Graduate!
Ms. Randi, Megan and Ms. Tonya. I loved these ladies and will miss them... I think Megan might miss them too!
Megan, Mommy and Daddy
Megan, Mommy, Daddy and Emily

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