Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

We spent Saturday at Grandma and Grandpa's (Marsha and Jim) house. We had a great time visiting and playing with all of the family!
Megan, Emily, Madison and Matthew
Posing in front of Grandma and Grandpa's new pond!
Blowing bubbles... that's always fun!
Chasing them too!
After a full day of driving jeeps, jumping on the trampoline, feeding fish, bubbles and sidewalk chalk the kiddos were due for a bath in a big way!
On Monday we went to Granmama's and Daddy D's (Nancy and Dennis) house for the first swim of the summer!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Last Day To Be A Butterfly

Today was Megan last day at Pre-School. They had a morning filled with super fun outdoor water activities, but I wasn't there to take photos... after all, today was my last day of freedom! ;) They had a big water bounce house with a slide and snow cones and got to spray each other with water blasters! Then they came indoors for a special McDonald's lunch.
Megan and Mommy
Nathan and Megan
Each kid had their own paint color (Megan had pink) and they rotated around the table to paint an object on each canvas. Before hand, each child wrote their name on the back of the canvas in the color they painted with... and each child got to take home a piece of art to remember their Butterfly friends!
The canvases looked so cute all laid out on the table!
I thought this was a great idea... and the kids loved it!
Morgan and Megan

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sunshine Kids Pre-School Graduation

Megan graduated from Pre-School and is so looking forward to going to big girl school next year!
The kids had been practicing several songs to perform that night... they did a great job... it was really cute!
Where's Megan?
Look... Megan is even wearing a dress!!!
After the songs, each child was recognized and they shared what they would like to be when they grow up. Several children want to be firefighters, teachers, mommies, princesses, and even a couple ice cream men! Megan wants to be "A McDonald's Helper!"
Looking through her bag of goodies from Ms. Rani and Ms. Tonya
The Graduate!
Ms. Randi, Megan and Ms. Tonya. I loved these ladies and will miss them... I think Megan might miss them too!
Megan, Mommy and Daddy
Megan, Mommy, Daddy and Emily

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Megan's 5th Birthday!

We no longer have a baby in the Reynolds' household... Megan turned 5 and is acting and looking more and more like a big girl!
Before spending the day a the zoo we had lunch at Pappa's Burgers... Megan wanted a plate of French fries for her special birthday lunch!
Wearing the special class birthday hat...
and sharing yummy cupcakes with her classmates!

Happy Birthday to Megan...

Fort Worth Zoo

Megan was okay with not having a big birthday party too. Instead, she chose to spend her birthday at the zoo! We were nervous it would rain that day but the weather could not have been more perfect... we had a great afternoon!

I like to call him Buddha! ;o)

Feeding the Ducks!

A couple of weeks ago it occurred to me that we've never taken Megan to feed ducks (poor 2nd child!) Megan has a passion for chasing animals so I knew this would be a great activity for her... of course I didn't let her chase them... only feed them! Aunt Sissy came over that night to treat us to Peter Piper Pizza... and we made a trip to the park afterwards!

The geese were really hungry... and not at all shy about it! When you weren't paying attention they would even come up and bite you on the butt! (hee hee)