Thursday, July 9, 2009

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Downtown McKinney 4th of July Parade!

The morning of the 4th, there was a parade in historic downtown McKinney and Wayne's business got to be a part of it! The girls were very excited to ride in the truck and wave to everyone! This picture was taken right after Megan wiped-out and skinned her knees... which also caused her to spill 1/2 of her snow cone... which I think was more devastating of the two!

Here they come...
I'm a little embarrassed to admit that I was in charge of the truck decorations...Let me just say "Slim Pickings"! I didn't go shopping until July 3rd... went to 3 different stores and there was nothing left! Finally, I found a few items at Hobby Lobby... but not even they had an American flag left!
Oh well... lesson learned... we'll be lookin' more festive next year! ;)

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Stonebridge Ranch Freedom Celebration

On July 3rd our neighborhood community, Stonebridge Ranch, held their special 4th of July celebration. We got there early to see some of the shows and get a good parking space.
Megan putting on her own little show...

Wayne's 14 year-old cousin, Tyler, was in town visiting too! Elvis even came to perform for us! So did Cher, The Blues Brothers, The Beatles and Roy Orbison! haha

And of course you can't have a celebration in Collin County without a hot air balloon! haha
Stonebridge Ranch Fireworks!

1st Week of Camp

All 3 sets of grandparents gave the girls a week of summer camp for their birthdays! This past week Emily went to Play with Clay Camp... she thought it was even more fun than The Zone and Mexico! Mexico??? Really??? haha All week long she got to create little clay sculptures... these are just the ones she made on the first day!
Megan went to Under The Sea Camp. This was unfortunately not her first choice... Diggin' Dinos Camp was already full. But she still had fun learning about sea creatures and making lots of crafts... for the first few days anyway. I think she is still looking forward to her other camps though... 1,2,3 Come Cook With Me and Super Hero Camp!